Would you look at these adorable eggs, they are so unique being made from old quilts. I feel so lucky to have these in my decor. Karen from
Yellow Farmhouse sent these goodies to me. I can't believe these are
mine mine all mine to keep. She must have seen me drooling over the ones she showed us on her blog. I love them...Thank you bunches
Karen for a thoughtful gift.

These yummy chocolate goodies were hiding behind the eggs. The Carmello bunny is already gone.

If you been reading my blog you might remember I was working on
this block for a secret block exchange. Here is my block after my partner has added this gorgeous border, I just LOVE what she added to my block. We all started with a 12" block. Now it's my turn to add or not add and then finish it off. Currently this block is 24" square, any suggestions for what to add? I'm really stumped for ideas right now. We'll have a meeting I think in June to reveal our quilts and also our secret partners. The pictures below are other blocks in the group. I got as many pictures as I could and then my camera battery went dead. Bad timing
(bad bad blogger) so I missed a few.

Feathered star has always been a favourite of mine.

Some of the leaves are 3 dimensional.

So sweet for spring.

It was sunny here this morning and then it started to snow this afternoon. Where's spring?