We met yesterday for our monthly Little Jo club, these ladies did a fantastic job of their appliqué blocks. Our instructions were to finish the 10" center block this month and to do the hour glass blocks for the next meeting. Well as you can see some of us were eager to get the whole top done. With school still going on for me I felt lucky to finish my appliqué. On Monday my teacher gave us homework so I had to rush home and get that done before the next class. This is my last week of school and then I have an
all day exam, so if you don't hear from me, I'm not ignoring you just studying to finally get this course behind me, thanks for "hanging in there" while I get through this, I'll be done soon and can get back to visiting all of you again....whew I can't believe I made it this far....LOL.

A close up of my Baby Rose block. I used the starch method and 1/4" bias tape maker for the vines. It's such a cute block, click on the picture and check out the background fabric.

I'm hoping Arnette won't mind if I share a picture of her with the birthday blocks. We surprised her yesterday for her birthday this month (I won't tell you which birthday but I will say it's a big one...LOL). We both belong to the same two stitching groups and I secretly asked them to make a house block which is one she has been wanting to make herself for a long time and of course I picked her favorite color red. She was very surprise and didn't suspect a thing....Happy Birthday Arnette!
Oops almost forgot, check out
Jackie's great purse giveaway. She has a fun little game to go with the giveaway and some really cute pictures of Rolo helping with quilting. Good Luck!
EDIT: Oops AGAIN....the giveaway is not for the purse but it's for some long arm quilting...sorry about that Jackie...my brain is mush right now.