So much has happened I don't know where to start. The most exciting part was 2 classes with Jo Morton in Washington State. We drove down early Sunday and came home late Tuesday. Each class was a different project, the first class was the baskets you can see in the above picture. I don't know about you, when I go to a class I don't seem to accomplish much, it must be all the talking and visiting around the room. I only came home with one basket done, but I have to tell you that since I've been home I've got all the handles appliqued and the basket all cut and ready to sew today. Jo is a fun teacher, she is very open and answered all our questions on patterns, her quilts, publishing books and getting fabric lines out. I think it must have been all the chatting we did....that must be why I came home with one little basket block....Well the days were fun and very informative with helpful tricks for making little quilts, I would take it again if she was in the area.

Here's Jo telling us about the process of designing another basket quilt, the black baskets are the same as the blue baskets above, she's just done a different setting and fabrics.

My one basket that I finished in the all day class, the handle is a little wonky but that's the character that I love. Some girls took one class and some took both classes, you'll see further down the second class project. We were spoiled with a wonderfully large room and a whole table for each person and wow the lunches were excellent, and fresh baked cookies in the afternoon. Lee owner of
Two Thimbles was our host and she pampered us with goodie bags, not the food kind but treats for quilters....Jo's FQ's, spray starch, ruler, needle, bobbins and chocolate...did I mention chocolate....LOL. Lee really knew how to take care of us well.

This is Jo's quilt, mine will look similar to this one when done, except mine won't be hand quilted like she did.

This isn't all the stars I got done. The second day we are making a much bigger fall quilt. I love the fall greens, reds, yellows and oranges.

Here are some more of the fabrics I'll be using, sorry the picture is sideways. You get the idea anyway.

There's Jo and some of the girls from the class holding the quilt we are making. Isn't it gorgeous! the black alternate block has little tiny stars, you might be able to see in the picture above. I've got 100 of the star blocks to make. Oh I just love it, the picture doesn't do the quilt justice....It's stunning girls trust me. There is a picture of me with Jo but it's on a another camera, but I don't think I'll get it anytime soon so I went with this one instead.

Jo brought some show and tell for us to drool over. Here is one of her beautiful quilts.

Another one, and boy oh boy is this simply stunning. Those stars are all hand pieced and very tiny, can't remember the size, it's in one of her newer books.

Jo was usually hiding behind the quilt when we took pictures, I was lucky and got one with her head peeking over the top. This quilt is another beauty.

The day after Jo's class was my monthly Little Jo's Women club at
Two Thimbles. The girls were very productive in getting the piecing done and quilting AND binding on baby rose block. I didn't get mine done, too much painting going on for me. By the way I've finished the painting the bedroom walls, trim, closet door and ceiling, yes I even did the ceiling, that's hard on the neck. Hubby installed the new light fixture, knobs and heating vent while I was away. I bought the first piece of furniture for the room, is it every sweet, that will be for another post.

I just had to take a couple of pictures of Two Thimbles.

More shop pictures for you to enjoy.

When I got home this sweet kitty was waiting at my door.
Karol-Ann and I were exchanging emails and she was looking for BH&G magazine...well to make a long story store, she made this for me and she got the magazine she wanted. I think I'm the lucky one. She even sent along the kitty fabric, how cute is that. I love it! Thanks Karol-Ann.

After the painting was done I had a little time before heading to my classes with Jo. I made this little wallhanging. Of course the stitching was done before, I'm not that fast...LOL The piecing was made up as I went, no pattern I decided on the fabric and piecing as I sewed.
That's all I have for now, if you made it this far, I Thank You for sticking with me and my ramblings. Have a great day!