We've been busy doing work in the yard this last couple of weekends. One side of the house has been neglected and become a big weed patch. Hubby cleared out all the weeds and broken beer bottles (little surprises....that's what comes with OLD house) to get ready for paving stones and bark mulch. It's a very shady area so maybe ferns and hostas will grow back there....
I hope. It's already looking so much better then the dumping ground it used to be.
I squeezed in some sewing and finished the top of the small quilt I started at Jo's class a few weeks back. I wasn't sure about the stripe in the setting triangles. I think it really shows off the scrappy baskets. I'm still working on the star blocks for the larger fall quilt I started in the class as well. It's coming along, soon I'll have something to show.

Oh man... am I ever slowing down on my Polka Dot Girls, here is block 6 all done. I should be almost finished block 7 by now but with so many other distractions, I haven't even started it yet. Even with the slow progress I'm still really enjoy stitching these girls. They always make me smile.
If your looking for this pattern you'll find it
here. Search for Red Brolly Polka Dot Girls. I've also provided links in my side bar to the other finished blocks.
Happy Stitching.
Wonderful baskets! I like the stripey setting triangles, they are very different and do bring out the scrappy baskets.
Perfect baskets! And I love the setting triangles...Look at those Polka Dot Girls...what cuties!
Love, love those baskets and that blue and brown!
The basket quilt is so beautiful, the stripes are just perfect for it. Yes the Polka dot girls bring a smile to your face.
That's a great stripe - reminds me of my fall swap block that I love so much *S*
Well done! The baskets look great. I really like the blue/brown combination. The Polka Dot Girls are on my to do list. Can't wait to get started.
Oh Wendy it turned out so well! Just tremendously perfect! LOVE the color combo and the baskets are to die for, really...I think it's my favorite Jo quilt to date!
As always the Polka Dot Girls are a huge hit!
LOVE LOVE how that quilt turned out and that stripe in there is awesome - who would have thought - way to step out of your comfort box sister. Those colors are really yummy as well. Now those PDG's are adorable and your stitching is perfect. Question for ya - do you use a hoop when you stitch and your back stitch looks so tiny.
Hugs -
Oh, Wendy you did a beautiful job as always with your basket quilt. I envy you right now. I love the strips you used. It really does make the baskets pop. What a wonderful accomplishment.
Oh, by the way. Welcome to Jo's Stitcher's group.
Take care and I'll see you at club in a couple of weeks.
I love the quilt and the stripe setting triangle fabric is perfect in mho.
love the color combo too.
and I am not a blue person but this is wonderful
Wendy, Wendy I love it - the stripe is perfect - actually it's outstanding! :-)
Another sweet Polka Dot Girls block - woohoo! You'll be done before you know it.
I think the stripe fabric works really well. The stitchery block is awesome as well. Beautiful work!
Your quilt is just wonderful!! What is the name of the pattern or is it one of the "Little Women" club patterns? which part? I am already looking thru my Jo Morton fabrics and getting ready to start cutting!! Thanks.
Super quilt and stitchery. Really like the Polka Dot Girls. They make me smile too. :)
I love your quilt and your stitchery. Great job on both. The stripes look awesome.
OMG block 6 is adorable!!! Plus that block is not one to be rushed thru. LOVE it.
Love the quilt as well. The colors for the blaskets and the complimentary qualities of blue and brown make it really nice.
Beautiful baskets! And as usual I love the polka dot girls! I wish I was only one block behind on my BOM's! I think you're doing just fine!!
The quilt is lovely! It's gorgeous! Those Polka Dot Girls always put a smile on my face. I cannot wait to finish Blue Bird so that I can start on those. I cannot believe I'm falling for that line! lol Keep well my friend!
Love the baskets and of course those Polka Dotted Gals. WONDERFUL!!!
I love the basket quilt with that stripe. I want to try and use a stripe somewhere in a top to add that same sort of interest. Too many ideas!
Forgot about the loo...that was the cutest one I ever seen...
Love the basket quilt...and hey...one more block done on the polka girls and that´s OK...
Oh, Wendy! Your basket quilt is just wonderful! I think the stripe really works nicely with the basket blocks. Fabrics are really beautiful too. Are they a particular line of fabric or stash? Nice job on the PDG too! Way too much stitching for a novice like me, though. Thanks for sharing!
Alice I.
I love your polka dot girls....
Where can they be purchased in the US, do you know?
That polka dot girls are lovely, lovely, lovely. I never worked stitchery, can you recommend me a good book for me?
And I love the colors you used for the basket. Look like my teacher´s, Takishita Chizuko.
Now I´m very, very busy...I´m making 71 flamenco dresses for Novermber...¡Ufff!.
Teresa Sako.
Love the PKG's and the little quilt.
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