Monday, January 12, 2015

First Finish

Time to catch up on the first couple weeks of the year. My first finish for 2015, Candy Hearts is a flimsy. I had so much fun making these hearts, it will be ready for Feb, my favourite month.
It's a prefect size for the table.

And then I took a class taught by a good friend, as if I needed to start a new project. Log cabin blocks done in Red and White, haven't decided how big this quilt will be yet.
Still working on Fat Quarter Shop Mystery blocks. This is number 6, I have number 7 cut and ready for piecing. Block 8 will be arriving soon, I don't want to get behind on these.

Happy Quilting!


Kristie said...

Beautiful quilt! Perfect for February!

Lesley said...

Candy Hearts is a beauty!

Cheryl said...

Sweet table topper!

Teatime Creations said...

What a sweet heart quilt.

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

It's lovely

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Congratulations Just in time to enjoy for Valentine's Day--beautiful fabrics

bestjlb said...

I really love your Candy Hearts quilt, and I am usually not a fan of heart quilts! Is this a pattern you can share or your own original design? You are already so productive this year! Wish I could say the same.

Sherrill said...

Love everything you're working on but got to say the Candy Hearts is my fav!!

Lori said...

What a great start to 2015! Love the heart table topper!!

Darlene said...

Happy Quilting to you!!!! I love that you're quilting your way through 2015!!! I hope to follow your lead. :-)

Karen said...

Wonderful hearts. Perfect for Valentine's Day display. I have a few small pieces for Valentine's Day but would like something larger.

Heartsdesire said...

Love the heart quilt, Wendy. And your red and white log cabin is also going to be a beauty. Looks like you've been very busy the last few weeks.


Love your heart quilt top and it is nice to see one reversed!!
Usually a heart is red--and around it is the lighter color--like that this one has the lighter hearts with the red around the hearts!!
love the other projects too
smiles, di and miss gracie

loulee said...

Love your hearts quilt.

Sandi said...

Love the cream hearts against the red background Wendy, nice twist. said...

Really nice hearts. A lot of work!

Sheri said...

I really really love your candy hearts flimsy!

Leeanne said...

RED love!!!! said...

Beautiful love the hearts.

Elsie Montgomery said...

Very nice, Wendy!

moosecraft said...

Love that candy heart quilt! Looking forward to seeing more of the FQS mystery... I almost signed on for it (because of the fabric) and then changed my mind as I did not have the time for another project...

Gloria said...

I really like your Candy Heart Quilt. I don't have anything for Valentine's Day! Is this a pattern you can share or tell us the name and where to locate it?


Louise said...

Happy New Year Wendy! Looks like you are off to a good start for the year. I like February and I do love red as well.
Mary Ellen Hopkins told us once you hat she thought every quilt should have some red in it. Guess she liked it as well! Your Candy Hearts flimsy is great.

Frederika said...

So nice your hearts

Jeanne said...

Love, love, love your hearts top!

Donna said...

Love your hearts quilt!

Ondrea said...

I have not had the intetnet for 2 weeks so apologise for not commenting earlier. Your heart quilt is so lovely and the red and white log cabin blocks will looks wonderful together. Love your fabric choices for the star block. Happy New Year.

Carole said...

It's lovely! Looks perfect on that table! Cheers!

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