Well there I was this morning browsing around my usual blogs enjoying all the tagging going on, and
guess what Rose tagged me. Thanks Rose, I feel honored. I'm still new to blogging but will do my best.
Rose is such a sweet person, the first person I got to know through blogging. I've aways look forward to peeking into what she is doing that day. I don't always leave a comment but I visit most days. Her stories are always fun, interesting and well written. We are still getting to know one another, I would love to have coffee with her and become great friends.
So...I've been tagged for the
"Thinking Blogger Award". The rules are simple 1. write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. 2. Link to
Thinking Blog Award so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme. 3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
I know some of you have already been tagged by others but here I go anyway. I hope this is okay with everyone.
Carole, she gave me a warm welcome to blogging and she is also a fellow Canadian. I really enjoy reading her funny stories especially getting the "broom" out of the closest. That post really got me
thinking about what I need to clean out of my closet. I need that push and ALWAYS feel better for getting rid of stuff I will NEVER use. Carol I'm still procrastinating but I haven't forgotten.
Darlene always makes me smile when I read her blog. She always has very interesting projects on the go with patterns and colours that are "my" colours. I enjoy visiting her blog and would love to get to know her better.
Pam is well organized and always offers me good advise. I'm still getting to know Pam and would love to share my knowledge of wool applique with her.
Swooze gave me a warm welcome to "Stashbuster" ring. She keeps us all organized with suggesting topics each week in case we are in need of ideas for posting. I'm still new so this is very helpful.
Libby has me thinking the most since I've been readying her blog. I enjoy her laid-back style of quilting and life in general. I'm trying to simplify my life and stop rushing to get everything done
right now. I'm on sick leave from a very hectic, fast paced and demanding job. I'm enjoying "finding pleasure in the simplicities of life" (quote from Libby's tag line), I've spent most of my life working and looking after my girls. Now they are grown, and I have time off work I need to focus on
me for a change. When and IF I go back to work, I will consider a change in jobs, I really need it. Thanks Libby for your insight and inspiration.
A special "thanks" to all you bloggers out there, I have learned so much, got inspiration when I needed it the most and felt very
Welcomed by all of you.