I have 2 more lap size flimsy's that will make good community quilts for the LQG so here they are and out of the closet they go.....this is fun....I'm free of these old UFO's.

This Magic Tiles flimsy I made soooo long ago....time to clean out.

I don't know what I was thinking when I made this red and yellow rooster flimsy, other than I really like chickens and I have several in my kitchen.

The friend I had lunch with also was having her Birthday. Here is a little gift I made for her with embroidered leaf on the front. It's using Twelve22 zipper again (love that zipper). The bag is perfect for carrying threads etc to meetings. The size zipper I used is 7".

And to celebrate my cleaning out the closet I would like to give away a Charm Pack, leave me comment by Monday and I will draw a random number and the Charm Pack will be yours. Sorry I don't have a picture but who would turn down free fabric :-)
Happy Quilting.
Oh a drawing, Im in Im in :) xoxo melzie
How nice that you and your friend could come to such a nice agreement. Have a great weekend.
I am like you--I love chickens! I love your red and yellow Chicken quilt! Thanks for the link to the zipper tutorial--I have bookmarked that one. It will defintely come in handy.
Oh the gift looks lovely. My birthday is Nov 3! ;o) lol You always make such beautiful gifts. Giving your flimsy's to a good home sounds like a great plan. Funny how sometimes we make a quilt and wonder why we chose such colours or fabrics! Happy spring cleaning. I've been doing just that. I can't say my spring cleaning is fun unless you consider washing heat registered and the stove vent fun! LOL Hey, I will admit it feels great knowing they are clean and dust free! Keep well and happy quilting!
I love your magic tiles quilt. It looks like stained glass. I don't think I'd want to give that one away. You've been very strong!
Love your "Magic Tiles" quilt...that's a very popular pattern in this area because the designer is from here.
Wendy - you are such a love to share with your friend. I love the red and yellow chicken quilt but I love chickens!
My birthday is in July (before Carole's) so feel free to send a pressie this way. LOL
Thanks for stopping by my journal...I love the name of your weblog....Keep in touch,
I would love to win some new inspiration fabrics. Count me in the the drawing. I need to follow your eample and give fabric and ufo's to a new home. They are not blessing anyone in my hodgepodge of a sewing room
so sweet of you to share your tops! and they are NICE tops too~ My birthday is also in July, sooooooo depending on when Darlenes is..........
Nice flimsies :o) The roosters are neat. Count me in for the drawing...that sounds like fun.
Good job on cleaning out. I love roosters and chickens too. I even have a farm quilt I made myself. SHow us pics of that room!
What a great way to finish your oldest UFO - a win/win for all. I went through a serious 'chicken' phase a few years back - it's a phase that puzzles me to this day *S*
That sounds like a great way to get UFO's finished and out of the closet.
Count me in for the fabric drawing. I can never pass up free fabric. (Hmmmm maybe that's why I am in the position I am in. :c\ )
love your magic tiles quilt. The chicken quilt looks nice too.
oh wow your quilt tops are just beautiful. I love the chicken top as well. Can you put me in the draw as well I am in need of some fabric to start building a stash.Have a fab day.
i been sorting the sewing room too Wendy.......feels great!!!
What a great idea for passing on fabric! Count me in for the draw.
Your tops are lovely and the red and yellow is so summer like.
great to see you cleaning out the closet!
The quilts are great, and I am sure whoever gets them ,will love them, even though you did not anymore! :)
Wow, everyone seems to be cleaning up and tossing out these days! Spring cleaning maybe? How great that your top will be finished and enjoyed by someone. Just now catching up on my reading - seems like that's what I do on weekends anymore - so I missed your drawing. That's Ok with me - I have more than enough fabric!
Now that is a brilliant idea! I have several flimsies that I know I will never have quilted because my taste has changed since they were made. Trading or giving them away as a blog drawing is a great thought. Love your blogsite by the way, and have just made it one of my "favorites".
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