's absolutely incredible to visit Buggy Barn. You wouldn't believe there could possibly be a quilt shop out in the middle of the wheat fields. We left home on Thursday from Vancouver BC and drove 2hrs South towards Seattle and then headed East to Spokane for about 4hrs, Buggy Barn is about 1/2 hr West of Spokane. When we arrived at the drive way, there was a small red building with cars parked around the building. This must be it, the sign post says its the place. The shop is a red building with white trim, if I wasn't a quilter I wouldn't have believed there could be a quilt shop out in the middle of the farm fields. The shop is so small but packed so full, I didn't know where to look first, there were quilt sample everywhere. I think I stood there with my eyes glazed over for a few minutes...

Here is the wagon near the front door of the shop. Can you see the sign pointing to the shop on the left side? The house on the right is where the shop owner lives, short walk to work through the field.

Hubby got comfy right away but he's not staying. I was dropped off for my class with Maggie. He'll be back later to pick me up. I'll post about my class later as I've got too many pictures of the quilt show already.
Be warned.....lots and lots of quilt photo's below. This is the front of the quaint store but wait till you see the inside....unbelievable.

Cart wheels leaning against the shop. I love this picture.

Off in the distance is the barn where I'll be taking my class doing wool applique. More about the class on the next post.

And here you go...inside that tiny little store. Packed to the ceiling with fabrics. I was amazed by how many samples they have on the walls, ceiling and in every nook and cranny you could find. Even the washroom has samples on the walls and lots of them. There was wool, needlepunch, bolts and bolts of fabrics....I'm trying to remember everything but it's impossible.

I love everything in the picture. What don't I love....what a incredible shop. I could stay for hours and not find everything there is to see in the store. I have time for this one...oh my I love it.

Books, patterns, wool much for one visit.

The outdoor quilt show with quilts on all the building, fences and you'll see quilts on the clothes lines too. We are looking at the front of the store. Can you see the wheat fields in the background? Believe me there is nothing around for miles and miles.

Lots of quilts everywhere...

Quilts on the outside wall of the shop.

More beautiful quilts to see.

I love these houses.

I like pumpkins too.

Quilts blowing in the you feel like your at the show?

More quilts blowing in the wind. I'm smiling all day.....

Quilts on every building.

The side of the same building above.

Blowing in the wind.

Another building with quilts.

I like this picture...the quilts look like they are floating.

We are back to the store front. I just noticed there is an article attached to this quilt. I didn't see it when I took the picture....I was too excited to see everything....LOL Now I'm wondering what that says....hmmm...I missed something.

One of my "someday" quilts. I love sunflowers.

This is the barn where my class with Maggie is, more pictures of the inside in the next post.

Whimsy quilt of farm animals.

That's me on the left, I'm studying the "Tulip Farm" quilt, one of my "someday" quilts. So where did she put that fabric.

Walking away from the barn down the driveway towards the shop. The big white building off in the distance is where they had a "Folk Art Sale". Lots of interesting things to find in there. Antiques, baskets, linens, small quilts frame as pictures, pottery and more.

The shop looking at the back side, the drive way is on the right coming up towards the shop. The white tent on the left is where you could sit and have a burger or hot dog.
I hope you enjoyed my "photo tour" as much as I did. Check out
Nicole and
Juliann's they were at Buggy Barn too but we missed each other, I didn't know ahead of time they were also going to be there. We'll have to coordinate better next time ladies.
It was a fantastic trip, I'm still smiling from ear to ear....VBG
AWESOME pictures, Wendy! I felt like I was there.
Tulip Farm is on my someday pile, too. I truly love that quilt - the picture you shared is wonderful.
Thanks for the virtual tour Wendy, definately felt like I was there too. Such wonderful photo's. Now don't keep us in suspense too long, we need to see your
WOW - I am drooling here. THANK you for the awesome tour you gave us all. I hope to go next year, already talked with some of the sewing peeps about it. Thanks again - Karen
Lovely photos! I enjoyed the photos on Juliann’s blog as well. I told her I really cannot imagine something like that happening in my country! Thanks for sharing - Nicolette
What an amazing place - like you say right out in the middle of nowhere ! ! Sounds like you had a ball and who wouldn't...Fantastic photos !
Thanks for sharing, what inspiring quilts.
Oh Wendy that was an AWESOME photo tour...I felt like I was right there thank you so much. Can't wait for your pictures of your class.
Thank you so much for showing all these beautiful quilts. WOW do I wish I could visit Buggy Barn. Got one of their books and want to make the cat/sunflower quilt. I have one question about a quilt. It's the cat with moon and stars (black and yellow) Do you know which pattern that is?
So many goodies! Thank you for showing us the photos. It looks amazing. Um, could you go back and buy that pumpkin pattern for me? :)
What a treat! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos . . . it is the next best thing to being there *s*
How much fun!! I love the Buggy Barn site, and it would be fantastic to see it in person!
what wonderful pictures..thank you soo much for sharing them...
do you know how they put the quilts up? Do they take them down every night?
I am speechless, wow, I wish I was there. Thank you so much for sharing.
Oh Wendy! You took beautiful pictures of it! And such a perfect text to go with it! The day looks like it was awesome! There are so many quilts to gaze at on this post! I"m in heaven! Thank you for taking the time to post them all! Oh baby!
Awesome post! What a great quilt show. Thanks!
Thank you, Thank you for all of the lovely photos! It just makes me want to go next year.
What a great time you had, and amazing photos! I love the quilts on the line against the blue sky. The quilts and the landscape make a fantastic combination.
wow! That was a great tour! Thanks so much for sharing all the pics!
Your pictures are fantastic! It must have been amazing being there in person. Love the pictures with the wheels and old buildings and the quilts are so wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for the post and the quilt show!!!! That was the next best thing to "being there"
Such a wonderful experience! Thank you for sharing!
That must be quilters heaven! What an amazing place,to bad it's such a long distance from Holland!
Wow, AWESOME! Gosh, what a great place. Is this a show they have every year? Perhaps we ought to coordinate a visit. If I know ahead of time I can plan to be there. We can have a Blog Land meet up! lol Wonderful pictures you took! I love that pumpkin quilt and so many others! I can see spending lots and lots there! Thank you so much for sharing your fun! What a place!
Man, I too like that sampler with the white background. It seems to incorporate hand applique with hand embroidery. Was that wool applique? I think though I would use an off white background. Okay, I'll stop stalking you! ;o)
THanks for sharing these pics! I love old barns and am so happy to see when people are able to restore them and make a new use for them.
Oh my, Wendy - oh my, oh my!!! How wonderful all of your photos are!! I am at a loss for words, obviously. Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a lovely tour of the Buggy Barn. I definitely feel as if I were with you every step of the way.
I'm stalking again. Do you know what the name of the pattern is for that pumpkin one? Gosh that's gorgeous. I just love pumpkins! And while I'm at it, what's the name of the pattern that you would like to make? I love that one too! Yea, like I need another project. But somehow I feel I must own the pattern! Off to wipe the drool off my floor!
It sounds like you had a wonderful day, thanks for sharing!
I've been to the Buggy Barn once - on the day of the quilt show - about 4 years ago now I think. There are just no words to describe that place. If I lived within one or two hours my budget would be toast - they'd have all my money. Adored everything I saw. I think I spent about $250 when I was there - I could have easily spent 10 times that much. One of these days I'll go back.
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