I belong to a stitching group that meets most Tuesdays and two of the ladies in this group are going in for a cancer operations very soon. The group decided it would be nice to make Yvonne and Bernice a quilt to comfort them at this stage in their life. We've chosen this Pretty Dresses block for Yvonne, each of us is making one block using fabrics from our stash, the only requirement is that we keep the fabrics soft and pastel. The finished blocks are 10"x12" so if we get 20 blocks that will make a good size quilt.

This is the Mug block for Bernice, the fabric requirements were to be brighter and cheerful. I think the mug might need some extra embellishment....don't know what...
big sigh.... but I'll come up with something. The sashing will be wonky so all the mug will be tipped in different directions when completed. I've hand appliqued both these blocks using my favourite method with freezer paper.

From the Hydrangea family but I'm not familiar enough to know what the name is. It's so lacy and delicate looking....pretty in pink.
Thanks for visiting, I really enjoy all your comments.
The pretty party dress is so cute! Your friend will love it and how about doing your friend's name with hearts and flowers in embroidery on the mug! Make is pretty and sweet, too.
You and your friends are good friends to your friends facing health challenges!
The both look lovely. I really adore the dress one. A quilt is such a nice gift when someone is having health issue, they can snuggle under it and know how much they are loved.
Love that dress and wow what a gorgeous flower.
The Pretty Dresses block is very cute. That quilt will be lovely!
I'm sure Yvonne and Bernice will be touched by these quilts and know that their friends are thinking of them. They are both lovely blocks. Will love to see the completed quilts when they're ready.
What a wonderful thing to do for your two stitching friends. They will feel wrapped in the comfort of love and support from their stitching buddies as they go through cancer treatment.
Both blocks are lovely.
I really like those flowers! I love how the pink blends into the white.
Hmmmm - if the mug is tipped . . . maybe a few drops of coffee spilling out? You did select some nice cheery fabrics.
What great blocks, how about her name embroidered on the mug. Love the flower, so soft and pretty.
I LOVE those blocks!! Your friends will feel very loved which is exactly what they need right now. I like Darlene's idea of embroidery on the mug. Very pretty flowers!
What a wonderful thing to do for your friends in need! I love both blocks - very nice. I do like Darlene's idea for the coffee cup - how sweet!
The hydrangea is beautiful!
That is a great thing to do for your 2 friends! The quilts will be really unique.
How about an initial with flowers on the mug? The flower is beautiful too.
Isn't that dress pattern adorable? You have chosen just the perfect fabrics to use with it.
Those are both really pretty blocks. I do agree that the mug needs a little embelishment, just a little something that would make it more personal.
What a precious gift! I think Darlene’s idea is a very good one!
The flower is really pretty in pink. Your friends will love those blocks you have made, they are great.
Such a nice thing to do for someone who needs a big hug! I am sure they will love your generosity!
Pretty flower!
The quilts are sure to cheer and transport the love of your group! Great choices, and oh-- that hydrangea!
Both blocks are really cute but I especially love the dress quilt. You have chosen beautiful fabrics.
Your friends are going to love them and they will be very special to them, I'm sure.
Wonderful to make your friends quilts to help them through the difficult time right now. Love them both. How about steam coming up from the cup? A spoon laying next to it or a sugar cube.
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