As I click my mouse around to various blogs I find very interesting and talented people, sometimes an hour has gone by and it seemed like only a few minutes. How exciting it is to find such Serendipity's...When I find something that is so inspiring I must try and make it right away.
So here you will find a couple of small wooly items I've been playing with. The tiny pincushions are made using a "bottlecap" (who would even think to use that...not me). The 2 brown ones look like yummy chocolates to me and the taller one like a cherry sundae. If you want to try your own bottlecap pincushion the tutorial is found here. The idea of covering a small measuring tape was inspired by Whip Up. The round thing with cherry's on it is a measuring tape and the square thing with a daisy is also a measuring tape. These designs were done with needlefelting. Have fun....I sure did....
We had another dusting of snow last night, the second time in a few days. Waiting for spring to arrive....:-)
Adorable pincushions. I've saved the bottle cap pincushion pattern before, but haven't made any yet.
Please feel free to send the snow to New Hampshire. Oh wait, we are going to get some on Friday.
Hi Wendy thankyou for welcoming me to the ring. I have been very inspried by all the wonderful thing I have come across.
I especially loved your pincushions they look good enough to eat!
More great pincushions Wendy....i got a friend on mine to scan a "chicken" pincushion which i wanted to email to u, but it came out too small when i printed it, so we working on fixing the problem.......i know ull love it, i thought of u when i first saw it!!!
Very cute. I love wool. These look almost good enough to eat. :o)
Oh my those are darling little pin cushions. I hope to try out the tutorial - it looks like fun.
I thought those little bottle cap pincushions were so cute. I might try a few but first I must get a few bottle caps.
I bought some lovely bits of hand dyed wool at my LQS this week. I am not sure what I am going to do with it yet.
Cute, cute, cute pincushions. I need to try to make one of those. They are adorable!
Thanks for leaving such sweet comments on my blog recently!
what lovely little pincushions. I'll have to try to make one.
The wool pincusions are too cute. I have a stack of wool sitting around maybe this is why I have it?
Yes as I read your blog I realized I have been clicking on blogs for a while myself.
The pincushions are adorable! I think they would make great little gifts for the gals in my Bee!
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