's absolutely incredible to visit Buggy Barn. You wouldn't believe there could possibly be a quilt shop out in the middle of the wheat fields. We left home on Thursday from Vancouver BC and drove 2hrs South towards Seattle and then headed East to Spokane for about 4hrs, Buggy Barn is about 1/2 hr West of Spokane. When we arrived at the drive way, there was a small red building with cars parked around the building. This must be it, the sign post says its the place. The shop is a red building with white trim, if I wasn't a quilter I wouldn't have believed there could be a quilt shop out in the middle of the farm fields. The shop is so small but packed so full, I didn't know where to look first, there were quilt sample everywhere. I think I stood there with my eyes glazed over for a few minutes...

Here is the wagon near the front door of the shop. Can you see the sign pointing to the shop on the left side? The house on the right is where the shop owner lives, short walk to work through the field.

Hubby got comfy right away but he's not staying. I was dropped off for my class with Maggie. He'll be back later to pick me up. I'll post about my class later as I've got too many pictures of the quilt show already.
Be warned.....lots and lots of quilt photo's below. This is the front of the quaint store but wait till you see the inside....unbelievable.

Cart wheels leaning against the shop. I love this picture.

Off in the distance is the barn where I'll be taking my class doing wool applique. More about the class on the next post.

And here you go...inside that tiny little store. Packed to the ceiling with fabrics. I was amazed by how many samples they have on the walls, ceiling and in every nook and cranny you could find. Even the washroom has samples on the walls and lots of them. There was wool, needlepunch, bolts and bolts of fabrics....I'm trying to remember everything but it's impossible.

I love everything in the picture. What don't I love....what a incredible shop. I could stay for hours and not find everything there is to see in the store. I have time for this one...oh my I love it.

Books, patterns, wool much for one visit.

The outdoor quilt show with quilts on all the building, fences and you'll see quilts on the clothes lines too. We are looking at the front of the store. Can you see the wheat fields in the background? Believe me there is nothing around for miles and miles.

Lots of quilts everywhere...

Quilts on the outside wall of the shop.

More beautiful quilts to see.

I love these houses.

I like pumpkins too.

Quilts blowing in the you feel like your at the show?

More quilts blowing in the wind. I'm smiling all day.....

Quilts on every building.

The side of the same building above.

Blowing in the wind.

Another building with quilts.

I like this picture...the quilts look like they are floating.

We are back to the store front. I just noticed there is an article attached to this quilt. I didn't see it when I took the picture....I was too excited to see everything....LOL Now I'm wondering what that says....hmmm...I missed something.

One of my "someday" quilts. I love sunflowers.

This is the barn where my class with Maggie is, more pictures of the inside in the next post.

Whimsy quilt of farm animals.

That's me on the left, I'm studying the "Tulip Farm" quilt, one of my "someday" quilts. So where did she put that fabric.

Walking away from the barn down the driveway towards the shop. The big white building off in the distance is where they had a "Folk Art Sale". Lots of interesting things to find in there. Antiques, baskets, linens, small quilts frame as pictures, pottery and more.

The shop looking at the back side, the drive way is on the right coming up towards the shop. The white tent on the left is where you could sit and have a burger or hot dog.
I hope you enjoyed my "photo tour" as much as I did. Check out
Nicole and
Juliann's they were at Buggy Barn too but we missed each other, I didn't know ahead of time they were also going to be there. We'll have to coordinate better next time ladies.
It was a fantastic trip, I'm still smiling from ear to ear....VBG