It's about time to celebrate my 100th post, as you can see this is 105, better a little late than never.... I did have plans to make something quilty for my 100th post but I haven't done any quilting this week, I've been working on a needlepunch for the LQS sample they wanted for Valentines. I'd like to finish the Wings of Love by the end of this week. By the time I get that sample done it'll be too late to make something for my give-away. So I hope you don't mind I'll give away a couple of things all quilters love....fabric. It doesn't show well in the picture but believe me this is a really nice selection of 5 FQ's in different shades of cream to a light beige, a book with some really neat pincushions and a cute pattern. I have a question I've been thinking about this week. How do you choose a quilt pattern? Do you pick the fabric and then find a pattern or do you find a pattern first and then look for the prefect fabrics. Or maybe you prefer when the work is all done and buy a kit. I find that I'm attracted to the colours of the fabrics first then the pattern. How do you choose the right pattern for the right fabrics??? Tell me what you do when shopping for fabrics. Leave me a comment and I'll do a random draw on Sunday Jan 13th.

Sometimes I choose the pattern first and then find the fabric, but mostly I fall in love with fabric and then try to figure out what pattern to use it for!
I enjoy your blog! Happy 100th!
I do both, never a kit. I think it is more common for me to need a quilt for a particular purpose, check what fabric I have, and then see if there's enough for a particular block I like. I don't really often go to a quilt book or pattern and pick something, saying, "There, that's what I'll make."
I have to say I let the fabric speak to me; then if I do not find an appropriate pattern I will design something. I have been known though to get a kit; especially if I really like the colors already choosen.
I tried to leave a comment earlier and froze up so I apologize if one comes in twice.
I was saying ... my criteria for choosing right now is finding an easy patter because I am a new quilter.
Fabric color and pattern are not high on the list yet because I am trying to learn a lot before I invest a lot of money.
I love the stuff I find on blog and the patterns on the internet and I have learned so much with trial and error. I have yet to make a full quilt but table toppers and baby quilts have been succesful. Oh, and tree skirts at Christmas.
So I am choosing by pattern right now ... easy pattern.
What a great addiction this quilting!
I usually chose the pattern first and then look for the perfect fabric for that pattern.
Love your blog - congrats on your 100th post!
Congratulations on your 100th post - woohoo! I'm so glad you started blogging!
Sometimes I buy fabric with a pattern in mind and sometimes I buy a pattern with fabric I might already own. I find it a bit difficult to put fabric and pattern together - I have a tendency to overthink the whole process. LOL And, I do love to buy kits, too.
That frame is perfect for the Kathy Schmitz stitcheries - great plan! :-)
Congrats on your 100th post. Love your blog!Sometimes I buy the fabric first and then look for a pattern. Most of the time I buy the pattern and then look for the right fabric. I have several kits too. Sometimes I think that I have to much and spend to much time pondering what to do.Could you please tell me who the Apple Annie pattern is by. I am from Mac country and she is adorable. Thanks.
Happy blogiversary. I think there is the pattern that chooses me. I can find a pattern in a book or magazine that screams "MAKE ME" and I pick fabrics out from my choise. But I also have collections of fabrics that still waits for the perfect pattern.
What do I do when I buy fabric. I just buy what I like then somehow make it all work together in quilts. I don't usually go into a quilt with fabric and pattern in mind. I mostly buy remnents therefore I make things work. Happy blogiversary.
Congratulations on 105 posts!
I’m not a very experienced quilter yet, but either I fall in love with fabrics or with a pattern. It’s easier for me though, too have a pattern (bought or my own design) and then choose the fabrics to go with it. When I started I bought a lot of fabrics and all I saw in Holland were the traditional quilt patterns. Thanks to blogging I discovered lots of more modern patterns that I really love and can use for the fabrics I have in my stash!
Happy Blogiversary!
Usually, a pattern, block or idea will catch my interest and I will go shopping in my stash. If necessary, I will augment my stash selection with a trip to the fabric shop. On occasion, a fabric combination will grab my imagination first and I will need to spend time in my folders/books or websites looking for design ideas. I don't like kits. I feel constricted working from a kit. I like the freedom to alter/adapt, change and let the creative juices flow!
I usually have a quilt in mind that I want to make AND usually know exactly what fabric in my stash I will use for it!
they go hand in hand for me.
I will see a quilt I love and automatically start thinking about certain fabrics I have in my stash that would work...funny this happened to me this weekend you can read about it on my blog!
congrats on your 100th post, wow!
I go with the fabric then the pattern it works for me at the moment
congrats on the blog
I am so glad I have found you
hugs Beth
Congrats on 100. I always buy the pattern first then the material.
Congrats on your 100th post...I do a little of everything, sometimes I find a pattern and then put fabric with it (Lot of times from my stash) or I fall in love with fabric and then have to find something to do with it or a kit...if I like a quilt I see and they have a kit, I can't pass it up. I guess that's why I have tons of stuff. Love Ring in the New Year...what a perfect frame.
Congratulations on over 100 posts!Love yor frame for your stitcheries,they'll look gorgeous together. When it comes to picking pattern/fabrics, I am lazy and tend to go with a kit if I like the fabrics, otherwise I see the pattern first and then try to find fabric.
Congrats on your blogaversary. I do much better choosing the pattern first. My favorite thing is to just get an idea and wing it with free piecing a la Gwen Marston.
The frame would be perfect for antique quilt blocks. My auntie took a quilt with tons of holes in it and salvaged it into a an old window pane and it framed them really well. Congrats on the 100th post. Me-- the fabric and the pattern bothe talk to me.... I usually find a pattern first and the a search diligently for the fabric "fit".
Congratulations on your 100th post! A quilt usually attracts my attention because both the pattern and the fabric look good together. I seldom find a pattern I fall in love with and then figure out how to change the colours.
You have asked one of the toughest questions! I buy fabric cause I like it, then I buy patterns that I like. I seldom buy kits. Now, how those patterns and fabric meet up to be quilts is where I spin my wheels, changing my mind constantly rethinking and rebuying!
Congrats on your 100th. Your give away would be an awesome BD gift
I usually find a pattern first, then find fabrics to fit the pattern, although there are times when I'll buy fabric, just because..... I never buy kits, I have in the past once or twice, but I find that the cutting isn't always accurate and if you happen to make a boo boo there's no spare fabric. Plus I always pre-wash my fabrics and that can't be done with a kit. Congrats on your blogaversary.
Hmmm . . . not sure how to answer that. I very, very rarely buy fabric for a specific pattern. But then I have shelves and shelves of fabric I bought because I loved it. It's like having my own fabric store. I pick the pattern, and then pick the fabrics from my shelves. So maybe a bit of both?
I tend to find a pattern and then look for fabric and I don't have a problem buying kits either. If I'm attracted to the sample in the store it's usually because of the fabric choices. I would love to be included in your giveaway.
Oh I'm loving the frame. That will be absolutely perfect for those stitcheries - I'm jealous, LOL.
Hope your feeling better - Hugs - Karen
I'll usually find a pattern and then pick out the fabric. Each pattern can be made with so many different combinations of fabric but not all fabric goes together. Somehow I just think it would be backwards to pick out the fabric first. Can't wait to see what you do with that frame.
♥ Cristallie
Hi. Congratulations on your 100 post.
I don't choose pattern, they call "pick me"then I choose fabricks to make the item. These days hopfully from my stash. ;-)
I do both. Also for both mysteries I am doing you could buy a kit, but the shop that organized the mysterie did do a search for some nice fabrics together with me.
But last week I bought some fabbies and still am deciding what to make with them.
Congratulation on your 100 post, enjoys reading your blog.
Sometime a fabric will speak to me, them I will look for the perfect project for it, other time I see a pattern that I have to make and then go looking for fabric. Most of the time the pattern comes first for me, but I think I get a feel for what type of project that I am looking to make, bold, bright, soft, or pretty, and try to find pattern and fabric that works to give the feel that I am after.
I always get inspired by a pattern first. Then, I dig through my stash and see what I have to work with. Once I get started, I'll purchased any additional fabrics I need (plus a little more for the stash)and go from there. I usually have to buy border and backing fabrics.
That needlepunch heart is adorable! I'd like to say that I get inspired by one or the other first, but the reality is, if I see it (fabric or pattern) when I'm shopping and I like it, I usually get it. If it's fabric it goes into the stash...if it's a pattern, I hope I have fabric in the stash for it -- if not, I go off in search of fabric. Then the fabric AND the pattern go into the stash and I go shopping again. That's how my stash got so big -- did you notice -- not much sewing in there LOL!
I usually buy the material for a particular pattern and don't keep a very big stash.
I love your blog and your quilts are beautiful!!
Congratulations on your posts! How exciting.
I LOVE you needle punch! I have a kit to try this and have not done it yet! I guess I'm just scared.
I guess it's all a little out of my hands when it comes to fabrics and patterns. Sometimes I will buy fabrics because I like them and _might_ find something to use them for - other times I have a pattern ready and will look for something for that. But what I guess I prefer, is when I find fabrics that "speaks" to me - and although I don't have a project planned for it, the pattern/project will suddenly appear all by itself a while later (it has happened several times..).
I am enjoying your blog - very inspirational - and have nominated you for the Make My Day award. Happy Stitching. Christine
Happy blogversary!! I think I caught your cold - I hope it only lasts a day or two.
I usually pick the fabric first and then try to find a pattern that would go well with my main fabric. Although being a Gemini quilter - I never finish anything anyway -- LOL!!
I do both, fall in love with a fabric, then find a pattern and fall in love with a pattern and go on the hunt for the perfect fabric. I buy few kits, and when I do I always seem to have to change something. I make lots of scrap quilts so I look for scrappy patterns and hit my stash. Your giveaway fabrics sound perfect for adding to a scrap quilt but then I have met a fabric I truely hate yet, I can always find a place for even the "uglies". Congrats and I hope you blog on for a long time.
I usually see fabric first.. then seek out the pattern. I do buy kits too... if I see a quilt made up that fits my need. Thanks for sharing!
Kim in Havasu
Congrats on your 105 th post :O) ...
I started doing punch needle last year! I love it! Your piece your doing is so pretty! Looks like you use the Clover needle, I do too :O). I of course had to collect all the needle sizes! Well you know need those gadgets and tools right!
Good question. I tend to do simple basic quilts so I let the fabric talk to me. I think that's why I like making kid quilts like the I Spy and Bug Jar quilts, I love picking out the fabric and the kids LOVE them! Even the flannel quilt was a basic block quilt where I had more fun with the fabrics. I tend to do the same with my knitting; I do basic items with fun yarns.
Congrats on the 100+ posts!
I always pick a pattern first, then pick the fabric to go with it. I have never purchased a kit. Congratulations on 100 posts.
Somehow, the patterns find me...and say:I´m your´s, make me, enjoy me!
Same goes for fabrics :)
I am a procrastinator so I do it both ways. Sometimes I just have to have that fabric and have no idea with I will do with it. Then sometimes I have to have that pattern and then have to find the fabric to go with it. I love it all. Hugs, Khris in Oz
wow so many comments.....congrats on the 100 posts.......I am not so good with the fabric and pattern.....often i find fabric I like and buy it then other times I have brought patterns with no material to make them.......(wrong fabric requirements) .....not the best person to give advice.......
Here's how I choose fabric - I see it, I feel it, I have to have it!:) I never use kits. I love picking and choosing my fabric. I most often find the fabric and then figure out how I am going to use it. If I find a pattern that I want to use, I usually check my stash and then add to it. I love the hunt!
I never buy kits and usually choose pattern first. Or else I just get some nice fabrics together, start cutting and hope for the best - lol ! Heres to the next 100 posts Wendy.
I buy the fabric first because I love it. I bring it home and look through my magazines to match it up. I really enjoy going through my magazine collection looking for something I didn't see the first dozen times I read them. I usually buy patterns for redwork or wool not quilt tops. I never buy kits. I really have been enjoying your blog. I found it one day and made the 9patch that is sewn then cut apart. I used HollyJolly charm squares from Moda - very cute - Thanks.!
With applique I pick the pattern then the fabrics. Sometimes with pieced quilts the fabric comes first then I pick a pattern from there. That frame is really neat. The photo of your give away looks great count me in.
Wow 100! Good for you *s*
I sometimes choose a pattern first and sometimes the fabrics first . . . whatever those little quilt voices in my head tell me to do.
Congratulations on your 100th post!
I usually see a pattern made up in fabric and I think for me it is the overall affect. I try to match the feel of the fabrics in the pattern. Sometimes I find the fabric first and then I have to find a pattern that is just right for the pattern. It is never the same but I do enjoy the process. Thanks, Terry
Happy 100 post and 105 posts! I buy fabric because I love it and then when I'm inspired by a pattern I use what I have in my stash. I can't remember ever buying fabric for a specific pattern...most of my stuff tends to be pretty scrappy looking.
Congrats on the 105 posts, what would life be without blogs......
I usually draw up a pattern or find one then pick the fabrics, sometimes I might have a range that I just have to use, so then I will find the pattern second. If I am looking through magazines I like to just see the black and white drawings of the pattern so I am not influenced by the fabrics.
Keep up the good work,
Congratulations on your 100th post!
I love your punch needle project.
I usually pick the pattern and then the fabric. If a kit is available and I like the colors I will purchase the kit.
Congrats on your 105th post, Wendy! The frame is wonderful, too. I usually start with a pattern first and then go on a search for the perfect fabrics. When I buy fabrics, almost always it is because I just have to have it with no immediate plans for it. I try to avoid kits since there usually isn't any extra fabric for "boo-boos" and I can't wash them. Here's to another 100 posts, Wendy!!
Happy blogiversary!!! Many more :o)
Hmmm... what comes first, fabric of pattern? I think for me it varies, but usually I have an idea of what I want to make, and then I pick the fabrics, but choosing the fabrics can take me months from I get the idea, and sometimes I supplement as I go along. Other times I see a fabric in a shop and think "oh, that would be perfect for....". I don't often buy patterns, usually I pick something from a book, and make my own version of it.
Have a lovely weekend!
I always pick the fabric first, then find a pattern that would accent the fabric.
I usually see fabric that I just "got-to have". Well after it has resided in my home for awhile I will see a pattern that I think is just perfect for said fabric. But I usually have to go out and buy oodles more to go with it.lol. As long as you're happy with the end result, that's all that counts.
I usually choose the pattern first and then the fabric. The frame you got is great.
Congradulations on your 100th post! What wonderful responses to your question. Myself, I choose either one first! If I buy a pattern, I'll look or think of a fabric that will go well. If I buy a fabric, I wait for a patters and sometimes I have a pattern I bought a while back! Lovely needle punch! Looking forward to seeing what you do with that frame!
Congrats on your posting! I enjoy your blog and am always getting inspiration. I seem to go with the fabric and then the pattern. Seems the fabric does the talking and I am just the assistant! LOL
Wowwee...I am comment number 60!
I have on rare occasions bought a kit, but it has to be really great for me to do that. I prefer to collect fabric for "someday" quilts until I get an idea or a reason to get it going. I am trying to be more focused in this regard since belonging to Stashbusters :)
Happy 100th post!!!
I usually pick the pattern based on technique and look and then choose fabrics. Once I bought fabric and had no idea what I would do with it...it is still sitting here! I guess I need to always pick the pattern first. Once in a while I try to step out of my box...I don't stay out of it for long!
Your site is wonderful and diverse. Being disabled and an insomniac, I am always busy thanks to you.
Good continuation !
Voyance en ligne par mail
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