I'm not sure what I've been doing this week, a little of this and a little of that, mostly a lot of not finishing anything. Started hand sewing a binding on a quilt, working on my pincushion swap, sock #2 is waiting to be knitted and my sewing machine has been in the shop, not that should stop me because I have another machine I can use. But it's a good excuse anyway.
I thought I'd show a couple of felted wool quilts I made in 2004, yes I did both in one year. The first quilt is queen size by Quilt Country, called Midnight Garden. The flowers are felted wool by Moda and I hand appliqued them on black flannel background. I machine quilted this myself and still don't know how I managed with such a heavy quilt. All that wool!

The second one is folky and primitive called Wooly Flower Sampler by Starry Pines. I tea dyed the white flannel background and hand appliqued the felted wool flowers and embroidery. The wool was hand dyed so it has much more colour variation with each flower. I also machine quilted this one, can you see the wavy lines in the sashing??, that's where I used the wavy ruler (see previous post). The background of all the blocks I did stippling, my favourite for filling in spaces. This is a wallhanging size 44x52.
Wendy, those are absoloutely beautiful. Perhaps you need my address.....lol.....
They bith look fabulous, well done, especially with the heavy fabrics.
Thanks for the comment, Tracey
Your wool quilts are wonderful! I have a tub of wool that I really should break out and use, thanks for the inspiration.
Hi Wendy, thanks for welcoming me to blogging. These both look great. I haven't try wool yet, I have a small kit for Christmas ornaments, to try it out on.
They look lovely, I am especially partial to the one with the flowers, the black background really shows them off well - and such nice bright colours.
WOW, Wendy they are stunning! And, both in the same year - incredible. You are so talented and multi-faceted. I'm allergic to wool so I have to stay away from it but I sure can admire it from afar.
Thank you for sharing!
I love the folky one-- I'm with Fiona, the black backgrounds are eye catchers.
The two quilts are so beautiful. But my favorite is the second one.It is so georgius. This one is certainly one I would love to make. But I have never tried to work with wool before. I have to look for this pattern.
Both quilts r beautiful Wendy...im going with the second one as well as my favorite, but only just!!!
Wow, those are gorgeous. That queen size must be warm in the winter. Oh, wait, I don't think it gets that cold where you are! I still haven't tackled my wool table runner. I haven't taken the time to read the instructions and have no clue on how to hand applique wool. I'm sure there's similarities. Too many projects going on to bother. thanks for sharing. Those quilts are gorgeous!
What beautiful quilts! I have a rather large collection of felted wool and I think when the cooler weather arrives in the Fall it might just be time to do something with them. Thanks for the inspiration.
I found you thru the Q4P blogring! hello fello quilt blogger :) Niki
Wow - those a both beauties *s* I am surely enjoying my work with wool this last week. I have done some small bits of applique, but now have learned the JOY of applique with wool on wool. Not something we 'need' in Calif. but I'm gonna do it anyway *s*
They are gorgeous! I love wool quilts.
Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!! Both of them!! I love working with wool, altho I haven't done very many pieces with it yet. :D
They are both gorgeous. I think for me the queen size one has the edge. I love the pansy and sunflower blocks. It must have been really heavy to quilt though!
I like the wavy lines on the wallhanging, that wavy ruler must be a useful thing.
oh they are gorgeous! I'm amazed that you could quilt those on a regular machine, wow- YOU ROCK!
They are both so beautiful. It is amazing that you did them both in one year!! You are a star!!! I love the one with the flowers. That is kind of what I want to do with my wool - a black background and flowers it is so beautiful. I was kind of thinking a small table runner though - LOL
And that you machine quilted them - I bet they were heavy. Thanks for showing them to us :))
These are beautiful, especially the wallhanging.
Your quilts are beautiful Wendy.
They are both beautiful...but the first is my favorite!
Those are both so beautiful. I love wool applique. These make me want to pull out my star rug I put aside before the move. {{heavy sigh}} Mine has been a UFO for about a year and you made 2 in 1 year.
Absolutely beautiful quilts. Well done.
so beautiful...I have to say I have done the Midnight Garden but havent' quilted yet... the top is done but not sure what design to quilt on it...also the second one is awesome...great job...thanks for sharing...I'll have to pull mine out and see...
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