Today four of us went on a trip to Bellingham, WA to see the Evergreen Quilt Guild Show. It's about 1 1/2 hours from my house and that includes crossing the border. Sadly the show was a big disappointment, not many quilts and only 3 vendors. I took some pictures of the quilts but they are not really very spectacular for posting.
I was looking at the information table with brochures of shows and shops in the area and came accross a newsletter for TwoThimbles quilt shop. It looked interesting and so I asked the ladies at the front desk where this shop was located. It turned out to be about 5 min drive away. So off we went.
The picture of the "loot" above is a combination of purchases made at three different shops. One of the vendors at the show called A Lady's Art, Two Thimbles and Folk Tales in Lynden.

This is the front of Folk Tales in Lynden, WA. It's a small shop but packed full of everything I LOVE. If you are in the area the address is 1885 Kok Road, Lynden.

Wash tub fill with flowers outside Folk Tales.
Do you see the witches boots?
Here is a business card from Two Thimbles. I asked them if I could take a picture inside the store and well you can guess what the answer was. No pictures.....
So this was a all day trip and now I'm pooped! I think this would be a good time to feel my new fabrics.
Wow - great looking loot! Worth the trip even though the quilt show was a disappointment. Enjoy touching, petting and caressing your new fabric. LOL!
So that's where my boots ended up! I lost them on a wild broom ride a while back! ;o) Well, despite the dissapointement, looks like you made off well! Our guild quilt show is Oct 7-8 in Plattsburgh. We won't have many venders but there will be lots of quilts. So, don't forget, you can stay at my house when you come across! ;o)
I've been to Folk Tales in Lynden - it is a nice little shop. Too bad the quilt show was a bust. But it certainly was a beautiful day for a drive :))
Looks like we are all going to Carole's house for October -- LOL!!
Wendy looks like a fun day was had with your quilting friends. Sorry the quilt show wasn't very good, but you still have some great goodies from the day. I love Liberty Stars Patterns also.
Lovely pile of stuff, you did well for shopping even though the show was not very good. That Jo Morton book is one of my favourites.
Wendy, you had a nice day! I've heard about that nice quilt shop in Lynden, but have never had the chance to go there. One of these years... :-)
Looks like even though the show itself was disappointing that the shops made it worth the while. Those pictures are great - the shop owners really took the time to showcase their waves.
What great loot you got. Too bad about the quilt show.
Very beautiful your blog! Compliments :))))
Seems that disappointing quilt shows are becoming rampant . . . hope that means everyone is saving up for some spectacular shows soon. Love the look of Folk Tales . . . looks like all the things I enjoy, too. Glad you had a nice trip and shared it with us.
Too bad about the quilt show, but at least the day was saved with good quilt stores.
I am going to be in Lynden next month so I will have to look for this shop. Thanks.
Great look shops and I envy your haul! Sounds a great trip!
Your purchases look so lovely, I would have problems to decide where to start first! Fortunately there are shops to cure some disappointing quilt shows. Take care.
Well isn't that just a "bummer" after all the hassle at the border (is it going back or coming south that is so awful?). Love the shop in Lynden. Now you have seen lots and can be inspired for just ages.
Oh I love your loot! Great purchases! So a disappointing show, but a fun loot day! I love the outside of that shop. I can't believe they didn't let you take pics - bummer.
sounds like a fun day trip with friends even though the show wasn't great. Lovely blog . . . will be back to visit again!
xoxx, Renee
Isn't that just the most fun way to spend a day?
Ooooohhhh a guy who works for my husband lives in Bellingham. Are the shops close by? I may have to pay a visit soon. LOL Don't you hate when the shops say NO to your photos? It will only help them if we can see inside. Don't they understand that??
What a haul!! I love everything that followed you home! The stitchery ornaments patterns especially caught my eye! Sounds like your day was lovely!
I absolutely LOVE folk tales. With no border line up it is about 30 minutes from here!! It has to be my favorite of the four or 5 bellinghame/lynden stores. I do like the other one in Lynden also. Tangled thread I think it is called!
What a nice surprise to come across your website. I live in Bellingham and shop at Two Thimbles all the time. Lee, the owner, has become a very good friend of mine.
I enjoy Folktales as well. She has a wonderful selection of homespun fabrics.
Thanks for sharing your pictures. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to my home town.
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