Something you don't know about me is I have an obsession with making bags. I LOVE bags of all shapes and sizes. I find them fun and challenging to make, when I'm done I have something that I can use for various outings. I don't go out and purchase bags, only make them.

I don't know why this bag has been a UFO for about a year now, other than I couldn't decide if I wanted to put on fabric handles or the leather handles I've already purchased. Shouldn't be such a hard decision but I couldn't make up my mind,
so there it sat. I'm leaving for my 5 day retreat on Sunday so this is the time to stop procrastinating, which BTW is another thing
I do often. I seem to wait until the last minute to get things done. I always have lots of time to complete what I've been procrastinating about and
get it done well but I put it off as long as possible.

I use this bag the most for going to retreats. The bag has a square bottom and sides that stand up, it will hold most of my project and sometimes I can even fit the rulers in. I call this my Flower Bag and also use this for taking to classes.

This is a Bareroots pattern and I just love it. I can use this when I'm taking my quilts for show and tell at my stitchery group meetings. I use this bag a lot.

I like this bag for taking along small stitchery projects, such as redwork and embroidery of any kind. The bag is made from Charm Squares and it's called 17 Patch Bag. When not holding my stitchery I can also use this as a toiletry bag, it holds my tooth brush etc.

And here is my knitting bag, well it's become my knitting bag since I started knitting last Feb. I had a really
big urge to knit socks so I took a class and since Feb I've made 5 pairs and still love it.
So there you have it my collection of bags. I'm sure there are a couple more I've missed but these are the one's I use the most. I hope you enjoy them.
Have a great week, I'll be in wine country on a 5 day retreat.