It all started when
My Yellow Farm House showed us her mini wool pumpkin quilt and those adorable block set and signs for the fall season. She got me in the mood for pumpkins. Here is a trio of pumpkins I just finished stitching with wool. And then
Libby and a few others have been showing fall quilts and crafty things (she has the most adorable dolly sitting on a quilt). Well I started digging out all the fall things and below are some of my pumpkin treasures. When I think about fall, I think of all things pumpkins.

This is my kitchen with pumpkin quilt and table runner. This quilt rack has the most rotations of quilts in my house. Changes with the seasons.

The entrance hallway with more pumpkins and a black cat. The little ghost hanger is from my cross stitching days...many many years ago.

Little pumpkin head angel mini quilt.

Oh ya .....pumpkin patch....again from the cross stitching years. Many moons ago...lol

This is "My Calendar Tree" for all the months of the year. Sewing has it's own special branch near the top. As you can see I LOVE decorating with pumpkins.
It's getting cold here, I've had to get out the extra blanket for the bed....brrrr.
Carole I know how you feel with getting the fireplace going.
Happy Fall!
I love 'em all. I think I even have a couple of those patterns. I'll have to get busy for next year *s*
Oh... I love them all! They are all so beautiful! Despite the fact that I love pumpkins, I only have one pumpkin table runner made! sigh I need more pumpkins! I'm seriously thinking of ordering that Falloween book. Not that I need another project! lol Your home is so pretty with all of your hand made items. So beautifully decorated. Yea, the nights are much cooler! The trees are slowly turning their magnificient colours! Thanks for the tour of your home!
You sure have a wonderful collection of fall things! I love them all, especially the pillows.
Now that's a collection and a half, all lovely. We're still having days in the 90's, but I'm sure it won't be long and it will get chilly.
I am a huge fan of pumpkins too! All of your pumpkins are wonderful!! I really like...well I can not pick one, or even two...they are all my favorite!
What a wonderful collection of decorative 'pumpkins'. Everything looks really nice! I pulled out some Fall decorations this week end but I don't have many Fall quilted items. Something to think about for next Fall.
Enjoy the cooler temps. Sigh! :-)
I love all your fall quilts and especially the pumpkins on the mantle.
are they from a pattern? or a book? if so can you tellus which one I would love tomake those.
Fall is my favortie time of the year.
Love the pumpkins above the table with the cat! Every tme I see that I say oh I should make that too!
guess I had get busy !
Thanks so much for sharing your fall quilts.
Kathie in NJ
Wendy I love your little pumpkins and they turned out so cute. Your lovely home is full of your darling handmade creations and looks so cozy and warm for the fall season. I think I have a few of those patterns, LOL - are you surprised :).
Hugs - Karen
Wendy, I love your pumpkins! Especially your new wool felt ones! You did a beautiful job on them. I too, love decorating with pumpkins. I usually buy a few of the small decorative ones, along with some gourds to decorate inside my house.
Your home looks perfect for the season with all those beautiful projects. If I had to pick a favourite I think it would be the pumpkin and stars quilt on the wall.
Boy - you do have a lot of pumpkins! They are all great. I have a pumpkin tablerunner pattern just like the one you have on the table - and all the pieces are cut out - hmm, maybe I should finsih it - LOL
What a wonderfull things you have made. I really love all of youre pumpkin decorations. I actually love the fall seasons.
Annemieke - The Netherlands
Nice collection. I have some wool projects in my future and hope they come out half as nice as yours have!
I feel like I've been to a Pumpkin festival...They're all just beautiful...
All your pumpkins are great! I need to make something for fall. All I've got is my Autumn Leaves string quilt.
So fantastic! I love them all. Mmm. You've inspired me to make pumpkin bread this weekend. And more quilts!!
I love all your quilts. Seeing them made me remember a few of mine I haven't dug out yet. Fall is wonderful isn't it? Thanks for sharing.
OK, Wendy - now you have us all drooling over your wonderful fall things. Each more wonderful than the one before. I'll start at the top and work down. The three wool pumpkins - your own design I presume? I love how the leaves are three dimensional and attached to the little pillows only by means of their stitched veins. I'm guessing the table runner has been around for awhile, right? Those three pumpkins have such marvelous personalities. And you've done the Country Threads quilt with the long black cat stretched out in front of the pumpkins. I've bought that pattern - somehow I don't think that counts as fall decorating. And that black lamp with the black and white shade - absolutely perfect with the arrangement. Does it come out only at this time of year? And the cross stitchings you've saved from the past. You have such a wonderful way of taking these disparate things and making them all work together delightfully. You can come decorate my house any time!
Thanks for the wonderful Fall quilt
show!! I am so inspired by all the Fall quilts I'm seeing on all the blogs. Tomorrow I'm digging out all my Fall things.
Wonderful fall decor! I need more pumpkins!
Beautiful show and tell! Thank you, I just love the pumpkin wallhanging in your front entry with the s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out black cat! Happy Fall right back atcha!
Beautiful collection! Fall is such a colorful time and adds so much to decorating. Very nice!
GREAT pumpkin quilts!!!
You have quite the collection of pumpkin quilts. My fall quilts tend to be about leaves. It is interesting how we gravitate towards a theme and keep on going with it.
Hi Wendy,I like all these pumpkins! I love a lot the autumn and his colors. In Italy the pumpkin is cooked in a lot this period: Risotto, Tortelli, Pasta... Gnummm!!! Have a great week-end :)))
Love your pumpkin collection. That last one is really wonderful.
WOW !!! I LOVE all of your quilts !!! BEAUTIFUL !!! - - - and thanks for visiting me over on my blog -- come back again!
(P.S. I got Leanne's book "Living the Dream" from honeysucklecottage.com.au also, if you go to Leanne's blog, she has a side bar listing the different shops that carry her patterns.)
I love love love the pumpkin quilts and the stitcheries! Thanks so much for sharing ;) rosemary
Pumpkins are my favorite! Seeing all of yours made me want to stitch up a ton of them for next year -- and that's a good thing! Lovely quilts!
love your fall quilts! i have seasonal ones i change as well. happy fall!
Soy Andrea de RÃo Grande, Tierra del fuego; Argentina;
visite tu blog y me gustó muchisimo tus trabajos y su calidad; yo te invito a visitar mi blog: http://andreapatchwork.blogspot.com
ojala te guste y puedas dejar tu opinion, te mando un saludo, Andrea
Wendy - everything you have shown is gorgeous!! I love all of your creations - pumpkins are my favorite, too. This is such a lovely time of year, isn't it?
Thank you so very much for sharing - I am totally inspired!
Love all your pumpkins, esecially the wall hanging in the third picture. What pattern is it from? Thanks so much and happy fall!
funny. i have been looking everywhere for the quilt hanging on the wall in your kitchen. the pumpkin with the vines and crow. funny that i would find it on a 4 year old post. would you mind telling me what book this quilt is in. thanks!!!
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