Inspiration for learning to crochet came from here. I tried crochet when I was a teenager and made one doll dress and then put it aside for embroidery and knitting, quilting came a bit later. I'm happy with how this turned out, I did the outside edge twice because I put white on the outer edge and didn't like it, so I ripped it out to finish this off in the red. This was an enjoyable learning experience and I'm sure I'll do some more. I found the stitches easy but reading those darn patterns can be like another language. How do you guys do it???? I bought the "Happy Home" needle case while shopping at an antique shop this weekend. I love finding these little keepsakes.
I did some gardening (pruning) on Sat while we had a brief bit of sun. It's nice to get started but there's still lots more to do over the next few weeks, that's if we don't get rain everyday, which can happen this time of year. I also went to Ikea to pick up there large shopping bags that can be recycled, I found these are excellent for throwing the garden clippings in and they have strong handles for carrying the clippings.
Have a great week of stitching, sewing, quilting etc.
That is the sweetest crocheted doily(?). Oh, those crocheting directions are definitely like another language. LOL The Happy Home needle book is adorable - great find.
I'm anxious to see your mini 9 patch quilt - did I tell you that I love mine??? :-) One of my retreat friends called it 'amazing'. She said that the nine patches twinkled. :-)
Cute! You know, I have the same needle pack. My grandma gave that to me many moons ago! Wow, you're pruning already? I'd have to treck through snow and freeze my hand off while I attempt to prune frozen branches! lol Have a great day!
Very cute little doily Wendy! I like the red on the outside better too. Now you're off and running -- can't wait to see more -- I love crohet!
LOVE IT Wendy - that doily is adorable and my favorite color RED. Those directions for knitting or crocheting make my head spin, lordy I'm always amazed when something turns out, LOL. You go girl :)
Hugs - Karen
Oh how I remember crochet pieces like that in all the homes of my grandma's friends *s* Congrats on working out how to make them . . . I can crochet the worlds longest chain and that's where the fun ends *s*
Great job! I love to crochet, I just don't find the time to do it much anymore. It is a good thing to carry with you. I just might have to start again. Thanks for the inspiration!
I, too, was inspired by all of the lovely crochet projects at knot garden. I have seen some great books with fantastic ideas lately as well so now I'm signed up for a class and can't wait!
Your crochet project turned out beautifully! I look forward to seeing what else you will do with the crochet.
By the way, I loved the photo of your cat on the ironing board!
It's just beautiful, I knew you would be good at it. Don't you just love the look and texture?
One of the good things about crochet is that it's easy and quick to rip out, lol! Great job:)
Finally all caught up with your blog - I've been such a bad blogger when it comes to reading and commenting since retirement. Too busy sewing I guess!
Love all the little quilts you are doing - and the big ones also! One of these days I should try to get up to the north end of the state to visit some quilt shops. The Two Thimbles in Bellingham looks marvelous!
Oh, I haven't crocheted in about a year or so...my hands can't take the work, but it does make for some lovely beauties. Great job! The red edge is the perfect choice.
The patterns will get easier, the more you do the easier it gets. I've been reading them since I was 8 or 9. I'm about to pay someone to teach me knitting! Now that's greek to me!!
love it!!!
I am full of envy, you are all talking about spring and work in the garden but I just have snow.
Your crochet looks great! You should see my first attempts lol...very sad! I love that vintage needle case!
Wendy, I love your doily! It's so beautiful and I love the retro taste.
I love crochet too, although I'm not really good about it.*S*
Very cute doily. I always love red and white together. What a great tin you found - lucky girl.
Great work, can't believe it is your first attempt at crochet! Hang in there, crochet is sooo much quicker than knitting, you will become addicted in no time.
What a cute doily and it's red too. Good job!!
That is adorable!! I would love to learn to crochet. Love the needle case!
My gosh! I have some of these that are nearly identical. Red color and all! They were made by my husband's gram a very long time ago! I love seeing that you made your own. My gram taught me how to crochet, my MIL taught me to knit.
Love your doily..the red and white is such a beautiful combination. You did a great job on it !
Very pretty red and white! It turned out just very well, didn't it!! Good for you.
Congratualations on learning how to crotchet. It is quite addictive, but I know what you mean about the patterns. I have to read them a few times and keep referring to them.
Your crochet looks great. I love to crochet an afghan every year and am way over due!
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