I'm still traumatized after being stranded in the snow. We went to a small town in Northern BC "bad idea in the middle of winter", what we do to see family over the holidays. The airplane was a small prop plane "another bad idea". we had a very nice time visiting, playing board games and watching the snow coming down all around. I didn't think about how that would effect getting home, "the snow kept falling". The little prop airplane could get up there but couldn't land, "due to poor visibility" you guessed it, they didn't pick us up....so now the airplane is going back to Vancouver without us. The only thing we could do is drive back to stay the night again "1 hour of driving in full-on snow storm"....you get the picture. My In-Laws were scheduled to leave after us but got home before we did. I'm so happy to be home, no more trips in the winter for me. I needed some serious relaxing time after that trip.
I hope everyone had a wonderful time over the holidays and spent New Years doing whatever makes you happy, we stayed home, I made dinner for the family and went to bed early.
I started cutting and piecing a quilt on New Years Day, I'll be back tomorrow to show you my first flimsy of the year.
Until next time....happy quilting.
Snow is so pretty, if you don't have to go anywhere
Wow, that's an adventure you'll never forget. I'd stay home, too.
It's so nice to 'see' you, Wendy! I can hardly wait to see your flimsy - hurry! :-)
Hopefully in a few weeks it'll start to become a good story to tell. Glad you got back safe and sound though.
Sounds cold and miserable and a little scary. Home is just perfect sometimes isn't it? Looking forward to see what you are working on.
I can imagine how glad you are to be home.
When you have to travel in winter, the only nice snow is on a postcard. Glad you made it home safe and sound.
Can't wait to see your first flimsy of 2010. Woo hoo!
Glad you made it back home safely!
I am sending you some warm weather wishes to start 2010!
Did you get any extra handwork done while you were snowed in? So happy you made it back safely!
Glad you got back safely. At first I thought the snow was at your house - and didn't see how that could be when we have no snow at all. :-) Then I read the post and saw that you were way up north. Glad we aren't having snow.
The snow is beautiful and it can be fun to have a white Christmas as long as your at home. Your trip does sound like you had a great time even if the traveling was a bit scary. I am so glad you made it home safely.
Glad you're home safe and sound! Can't wait to see your new flimsy.
Happy that you are home safe and sound. In your last post, you showed a pillow with "Merry Christmas" stitched on it. Do you know the name of that pattern? I just love it and each day when I check in with you, I look at that pillow. I would really appreciate the name. Thanks!! Stay warm and INSIDE!
I hate prop planes.. too noisy. But then I hate all planes *LOL* I think I'd be glad to stay on the ground if the weather was that bad for flying. Do you watch Ice Pilots on Wed nights? Yikes. My hubby did that back in the early 70's only he was in Northern Quebec.
Even though I'm completely enamored with snow right now, I would not want to be stranded. Glad to hear that you've made it home again safe and sound.
This is why I don't leave the south, USA, during the winter. We have driven through two heavy snow storms and one ice storm when we have gone north for the holidays: I love sunshine and warm temps and Christmas comes down here, too.
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